Picture the scene ……… A dull December day with mist on the hilltops and smirry rain in the glen. A house bright with the sounds of laughter and an inquisitive little dog.
What’s going on?
The Oldies have decided to resurrect the Wii-Fit kit and are hunting out batteries and dusters, moving back the furniture and re-learning how to balance on the Wii-Fit balance board. There are sighs from Himself who has only managed to lose one pound in weight since the last time, and a happy smile from Herself who is pleased at having lost 12 lbs. Mind you, last time was nearly 2yrs ago.
Back to the present: the day was getting glummer and dimmer outside but things were hotting up inside. A few tries at balance tests – Him better than Her, dog sort of sulking; then some Segway runs, a ski run and a few rounds of Easy Step Class. Was it me, or was the room suddenly getting warmer? Misty looked at her favourite ball longingly and decided that attention was not likely to come her way whilst all this noise was going on.
And after all that – number of calories used? Under 100.
But a good way to cheer up that dull day.
Here is too good holiday health!
Love the shot of Misty. I’m glad we are not the only ones to pamper our dogs.