Tag Archives: calories

Tempting food

This is just to show how tempting low-cal food can be. Steamed or microwaved haddock – 100gm – together with an orange pepper, tomato slices, mushroom and onion. Total calories approx 150. Fits very well into a 500 calorie Fast … Continue reading

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Statistics and a riddle

If I give you some statistics, can you guess the latest ploy for the Birthday Month? Steps Monday – 3259 Steps Tuesday – 1206 Weight: – you don’t expect me to tell you that do you? Monday calories: 500 Thursday … Continue reading

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A December Tale

Picture the scene ………  A dull December day with mist on the hilltops and smirry rain in the glen.  A house bright with the sounds of laughter and an inquisitive little dog. What’s going on? The Oldies have decided to … Continue reading

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