Here is the promised photo of the elderly-puppy-at-heart Misty. Actually, I shouldn’t confuse her with having to stay young, she is as she is, and so it should be for humans. For instance, I used to think of anyone as 75 and qualifying for a free TV licence as definitely in the old category. However, now that I am nearer 75 than 70 I am no longer sure what counts as old. Health warning to my readers . . . . . . . . this blogger is definitely feeling less sprightly than she was. And that despite the exercising extras that some readers have guessed at. I blame politics and the inequalities inherent in our society. So, do I have a good old rant and expose my lack of knowledge or do I try to be more like Polyanna and concentrate on the good in each day?
I know it should be the latter, after all counting one’s blessings puts the right kind of positive vibes into the ether.
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Update: Monday 21 August 2017
The above was written in the middle of May and Misty’s hair has grown to the stage where she is needing her autumn trim. As I explained to someone who commented and jogged my conscience, this has been a difficult summer, with circumstances that mean I am unable to share things fully. I have recently looked at some blogs and been sad to find that someone has died and a couple of faithful and creative bloggers have suffered bereavement. My own difficulties are of a different order and though complex, the main problem is that I find myself swamped with anxieties about an ongoing situation that I seem unable to shrink down to size, so much so that I am in danger of swamping close friends and loved ones by trying to offload too freely. I find myself wondering if I could use this blog as a kind of therapy. But then I realise that the need for discretion is more important. And anyway, who wants to read about misery?
On a lighter note I have enjoyed visits from friends and family and am trying to come to grips with a new phone which incorporates the ability to take Selfies . . . . .. What a
lot there is to learn about this new way of viewing one’s self. By the way I have checked the grammar of one’s self and have discovered I am archaic. So be it. As one of my blogging friends would say, Get over it. Except that said blogger would have said it in bold.
Just look at these bright young things – not Me, I’m easy to spot and am obviously concentrating hard on how to do something that most people do almost as second nature. Still, I know that learning new things is good therapy. Hence this summer’s mooc on Compassion and Care in Health and Social Care.
Well – I have tried to make some small attrition for ignoring this space over the summer. In the grand scheme of things my life is so small compared to all the tragedies that have happened and are unfolding. I am grateful for these golden years – truly and with surprise at where life finds me. No promises, then, either about trying to write more or looking for a theme or whatever. Dalamory’s story is part mine and part of the big wide world. Where it goes? We shall see.
Blessings to you and your special people.
Lovely photo Freda.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers
Every blessing,
From Misty
Good to see you back blogging.
I am looking forward to the autumn haircut and by the way I am younger than you – in dog years I am only 70, just a sprightly young thing.
I will continue to try to help you with your creaking bits by getting you to walk me, and by just being there for you hope my lovely (sorry – loving) presence helps with your anxieties.
XXXX from the little old pup called MISTY (aka Miss T Marshall)
You are much more naturally a Pollyanna than I Freda, but blogs mercifully don’t necessarily require that ‘unnatural state’.
If it would help to verbalise (is there such a word?) your current problems, please feel free to do so.
Your many readers and cyber friends will I am sure be ready to listen.
From one who shares her miseries freely (wanted or not) and feels no shame or embarrassment in so doing.
Nice to have you back, I had wondered where you had gone. It is up to you whether or not you wish to share. I agree that it feels bad to be always doling out misery.
Well I think it depends on the nature of the misery and the audience. The blogging world may be the perfect place to vent, rather than family and close friends who may be too close and inclined to worry for you. There is such a thing as a healthy rant! The world is in a sad state and the so called “leader of the free world” is a buffoon. I’ve always wondered why they’ve given themselves that lofty title and now more than ever. So glad to be Canadian since my American friends are full of angst. Me too but it could be worse. Love and hugs to you and yours.
I regret sounding like a “superior” Canadian above! We have our alt-right as well but on a smaller scale probably since our entire population is smaller than Californi’s. I do have close American friends who are devastated by current events. And a Canadian acquaintance, only 1, who loves Trump!! What a mess.
Thanks for the cyberhugs, Sheila, the world is indeed in a sorry state. A wise friend of mine says things are in fact getting better, but that mass media highlights especially the sensational and bad news, leaving the good news to percolate through the ether. Let’s keep hoping!
Thanks for the offer Sue, but what I was trying to explain was that my problems were about being unable to cope with the problems facing a near relative. thus I can’t share much. Maybe I’ll find a way to make it easier and stop puzzling my blogging friends.
I’m very conscious that I have been avoiding internet contact as well as socialising. That is all a response to being ashamed of being so anxious. Maybe more about that as I find a way to climb out of it. In the meantime, thank you and God Bless. I know from your own writings that you struggle through a lot and I appreciate your frankness online.
Thank you to my special companion friend and to a friend who hears much and rants not nearly as much as I do. Misty Marshall, we will get there in the end.
Thanks, Donald, be assured I am grateful for those prayers always. God Bless
And hello there Freda – you’re looking good if just a little bit sad. But then you have given a small explanation so sadness can be forgiven 😊
And ( per your last few sentences) I’m looking forward to hearing where Dalmory is off to and what happens along the way 😊
See you when you get there