Tag Archives: film

Still Me Still You

 I sat and watched this film last night with Misty as companion – paw to paw as it were. It was every bit as emotive as expected, for in case you haven’t heard of it, the subject is early onset … Continue reading

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Mooc week 6

Our forensic science mooc has now finished. It was very thorough as well as being fascinating. I am now officially a fan of this method of study. Of course the quality of the course depends on the provider, but the … Continue reading

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In the garden

This is a short video/pic of different aspects of our garden. A friend has been staying and this short film is his work for part of an assessment he is submitting for a course on digital culture.  It is of … Continue reading

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Always the same

When I was very young I used to get so worked up over films or TV that I almost freaked out. It started with Bambi, yes the Disney cartoon. When baby Bambi was separated from his mother and orphaned in … Continue reading

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A Good Year

Sometimes – the only thing to do is to declare a romcom night with a good DVD and a nice cup of something soothing. It has been a hectic time over the last few weeks and having waved goodbye to … Continue reading

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A real fairytale

Do you like fairytales? I almost hesitate to ask the question, because The Secret of Moonacre is akin to the Narnia Tales in that it has undertones of sacrifice and resurrection. At one level, it is a rollicking tale of … Continue reading

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Star Trek – Prequel

This is a bit of a cheat Film Review. I have to admit that I absented myself from the room for about five minutes. (Can’t cope with extreme intimidation or torture. My imagination always goes too far when presented with … Continue reading

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The devil you don’t know

Watched a DVD over the weekend – The Devil wears Prada. To be honest I did not expect it to be much more than a diversion, but in actual fact there was much to think about in it. Of course … Continue reading

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