Doing some routine paperclog this morning set me to musing on work-space and the joys of having a study. For me, that is a whole treat in itself and more than qualifies as a Birthday Month pleasure. Way back in the distant years of small children everywhere and a life proscribed by meals, housework, washing, playgroup, cubs and living on the edge of the world – I used to dream about having a work-space or desk and the time to get on with being Me and doing something worthwhile such as writing a great novel. The way time has flown past I have never got round to the novel, great or not, but I have done a lot of writing. . . . . . . . sermons, reports, talks, blog posts, letters and journals. However, for more than thirty years I have been blessed with a desk to write at.
Of course nowadays much of my writing is at the adjoining computer table, probably like most people. I suppose my love of a desk is a throw back to my early years as an insurance clerk (clerkess in those days and at a lower salary than the males – Harrumph!) Unlike most people I get a kick out of completing a pile of paperwork and administration. I used to delight in seeing a filing box emptied and a whole pile of reminders and reviews accomplished in good order. Changing Addresses, tracing people who had forgotten to pass on their new details, working out life assurance quotes. . . . . . all good stuff. No wonder the years flew past.
This morning I sat at my desk – an old one that has travelled to many places – and started on some necessary phone calls and paperwork on behalf of Son #3. Oh the joy when it was all done. Two bulky files reduced to two slimmer files and a whole load of paper to recycling and rubbish. Most satisfying.
Now why is it so hard to weed out my own filing system?
My pet hate in life, working life and personal one, is paper work and filing. In latter years at work I was fortunate enough to have an admin assistant who actually liked that side of the work. I preferred writing and creating paper work in the form of reports, lesson plans and tutorial notes. Actually still miss that which is probably why I have moved to the other side and have become a (very) mature student!
I have to start on taxes and will do so next week in between a meeting and a repairmans visit. I think it is so bad that our taxes are so complicated.
I need a new desk. Something smaller and more modern. I like your setup, especially the lamp.