
This post will have to be very quiet, it is a trip into my inner child together with some old photos………. (Misty is having a snooze even as I type, so it should be ok, and with any luck I can distract her from checking the blog today!)

Sandy was my first ever cairn terrier. I’m not sure what age he is in the photo above, but the long hair makes me think he must be at least 2 0r 3 years old.

He was always a very cuddly dog, and most forbearing of a child’s ways. Even though I used to think of myself as a “tomboy” – the description of choice for those who had never heard of feminism and equality, it was a favourite occupation of mine to dress him up in doll’s clothes and push him round the garden in the pram. The dog-sized clothes had been knitted by my mother, so she was not exactly pleased. I’m afraid it didn’t bother me – I never liked dolls anyway. Sandy was much more fun; he was warm and alive and most co-operative. I vaguely remember being told things like – that dog will go for you one day, and it’ll be your own fault.

Oh dear – this reminds me of the time when I shut myself in my bedroom cupboard with a beautifully knitted doll’s jacket and a large pair of kitchen scissors and cut the bottom off to make it shorter. I can even see myself holding the scissors as I write. Well, how was I to know knitting was made to unravel? Poor Mother – those were hard post-war times.

Sandy was a great companion for an only child. I talked to him constantly; and now I come to think of it, he was even allowed to sleep in my room.

He was one of the really good things about my childhood. It’s too easy to remember the difficulties and to fade out the joy and laughter. That little dog certainly gave me lots of fun. He liked to be groomed with the vacuum cleaner – (the kind with a hose!) And if there was no time to give him a bath we used to rub a chalk block into his hair and then as it was thoroughly brushed out his coat plumped up and he looked comically pleased with himself, though he did sneeze a lot. I wonder if people still do it nowadays?

He lived a long life, being almost 14 when he died, by which time he had become a bit more independent and, shall we say, cantankerous even. The photo above taken when I was around 13  shows something of the close friendship we had.

He looked incredibly like Misty does now, and I’m glad to say she has the same sort of disposition: feisty and affectionate at the same time.  Happy times – what a great way to start the week….. positive memories and positive thoughts.

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12 Responses to Sandy

  1. Marcia Mayo says:

    I loved reading about and seeing pictures of your childhood and your lifelong love of dogs.

  2. Mina says:

    Is Sandy about to write his version?

  3. freda says:

    Sandy the angel cairn? Hmmm……

  4. Lyn says:

    What a lovely post. I have only a few scattered photos of myself with my childhood pets. As the 5th child in a farming family, pets were of little consequence for photography. As I read your account, however, good memories came back, mostly of kittens I found lost or abandoned and brought home. Mother was not fond of indoor pets, but I was indulged, being the baby of the family! Thanks for a pleasant, gentle start for the week.

  5. Anne Gibert says:

    What a good idea for a post. Many of the pictures of me as a child have pets — dogs and cats — in them. My childhood chum was Poochy, a little stray mutt who actually looked quite a lot like Sandy and Misty, except that she had one ear that stood up and one that flopped. She followed me everywhere. Seventy years later my eyes still tear thinking of her. Thanks for the memory!

  6. freda says:

    Thanks, Anne and Lynn, I really enjoyed doing the post – many a tearful remembrance for all the people who have passed on as well as for the pets. The thing is though, that they are always with us whenever we take the time to remember.

  7. Suem says:

    I had a dog called Sandy. He died when I was in hospital after giving birth to my eldest. I came home and he was gone. He had been quite ill and I am sure he knew that the new baby was coming and I wouldn’t have much time to nurse a sick dog. It wasn’t a lonely house because there was a newborn baby, but I did miss him so much.

  8. Sheila says:

    I love the pictures Freda, and reading about your childhood memories is wonderful! A “mostly border collie” named Gairi figured prominently in mine. And we dressed him up too…he looked great in pyjamas. One day I might find the strength to read “My Bonnie. “

  9. freda says:

    What timing, Suem, sometimes animals just seem to know when it is time. Our golden retriever (Dana of blogging fame too) just died in her sleep next to my bed.

    Sheila, I guess dressing animals up runs in the family. As to “My Bonnie” it is certainly worth reading but you need the tissues handy.

  10. Sandy Black says:

    Freda – I too enjoyed the photos and the blog. Even better I remember seeing a couple of the pictures (quite a few years ago!) – a little trip down memory lane. I’m retiring very shortly and hope to have more time soon for more of this!

  11. freda says:

    Retiral is good fun, Sandy, hope you have lots of time to enjoy it.

  12. Pingback: Toto and Misty | What’s the Story in Dalamory

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