Toto and Misty

The Wizard of Oz is usually screened at Christmas or holiday time; Him Behind the Wheel had never seen it, so we settled down the other night for some no-hassle viewing.

What can be said about a 1939 film with all the restrictions that this means?  There were only limited special affects available at the time, and all things considered the production team did a very good job. Judy Garland is a bit larger than life, but then she is playing a young girl when the actress herself was 16. (Incidentally, is it OK to use the term “actress: these days? I’m not sure.)

HBTW was interested in the way the story unfolds, but he agreed with me that the real star was Toto, the cairn terrier who so patiently and cheekily played his part. He was on screen practically the whole time. The film is from a series of children’s books featuring Toto, the author’s own dog.  I’ll leave you to guess why I liked the film so much as a child. (But you could look back here to find out.)

This is a picture of Judy Garland and Toto from the film.

Look at the end though and tell me how much he is like Misty – star of blog…

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8 Responses to Toto and Misty

  1. Tim says:

    Ah, it’s not just me then. I find calling female humans `actors’ outright illogical.

  2. LC says:

    Ahhh . . . Obviously two superb canines who live up to their starring status!

  3. Marcia Mayo says:

    The Wizard of Oz is so much a part of my childhood. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Female actors call themselves actors, so I do too. We do not have feminized terms for doctor, lawyer, vicar etc. Imagine the Vicaress of Dilby if you can? Dianne

    PS I loved Toto. I always wondered what kind of terrier he was. Thanks for clearing that up. Also, I learned in my history class that the film has historical overtones. It had to do with the fight at the time over the gold standard. The scarecrow represents the Midwestern farmers who were being “crucified on a cross of gold,” according to one politician. You learn all about it if you study the gilded age in the U.S.

  5. freda says:

    Interesting to get different views. Dianne, you put it into perspective for me, I hated being introduced as “This is our lady minister.” So I guess, actor it is.

  6. friko says:

    hallo, lady minister, or is it ‘ministress’?
    sorry, couldn’t curb my silly bone.

    I never saw the film as a child, which was very sad. It didn’t ring quite the same bells as an adult.

  7. freda says:

    Hi, Friko, you’re on good form! Plain “minister” is all I ever wanted.

  8. Sheila says:

    One of my favourites and the memories from it are so vivid still! I haven’t watched it for a while however. Will have to give it another go. And Misty should go into show-biz!

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