Safely home again, through rain and wind and mist and floods – and it is still raining now in Dalamory. I guess the only advantage is that were it to be five degrees colder, the precipitation would be snow. And there would be so much that the house would disappear under it.
We had a good trip south and enjoyed several meals out. The strangest feeling of deja vu was when the chef and owner in one restaurant, came out of his kitchen to check in with us. He grew up next door to us – the image of him as a successful restaurateur made me feel ancient; but it didn’t stop me enjoying the meal. Two courses – the first a beautifully prepared steak with all the trimmings, the desert a lime and lemon tart with creme fraiche vanilla icecream. And no eyebrows raised when I finished off with Earl Grey tea instead of coffee.
Time for a Day Off tomorrow. I suspect many people will be experiencing a sense of relief now that the holidays are over. Or maybe that is only true for retirees.
Glad you are safely home with good memories accompanying you. Our holidays were tiring but wonderful. Grandkids, grown kids, siblings and their offspring–we have new happy memories, too. I admit, though, that Hubby and I are enjoying time together today. Our usually mild winter weather will dip into hard freeze temps tonight and another few nights. I will be mostly indoors as cold increases the spasticity of my left arm and hand. Stay safe and warm!
Will do, we need a week or two to recover. I shall hopefully be catching up on blogs and reading. The dusting can wait. I don’t mind feeding the washer and dryer though – it can go on in the background.