Tag Archives: Remembrance

Remembrance Day catch up

The autumn has flown past in almost indecent haste; much of the time has been spent in helping Son #3 to move house. HBTW and myself are not as spry as we used to be, but we are pleased to … Continue reading

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Contemplation and recovery

It turns out that the bug had not quite had its way in the Dalamory Homestead, HBTW suffered his own collapse and took to bed. This involved wearing several extra jumpers, plugging in earphones to the radio and “coorying” under … Continue reading

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Armistice Day

At 11am today millions of people kept a 2mins silence to mark the end of the 1st World War. I looked at my watch too late, but this blog post is a way of remembering all those who die in … Continue reading

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Sunday Service

Not well enough to go to church this morning, so I shall watch a service instead. Saw the Royal British Legion Festival Service last night. They have certainly learned how to make it relevant every year. As I have said … Continue reading

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