Tag Archives: community

Dancing Therapy

Dance Class last night reminded me of this photograph taken on the day we made it back after an absence of the 5 months needed for my ankle to heal. We were given Glad to be back Awards. I managed … Continue reading

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Flower Festival

  A busy church this weekend – all part of the 200 years anniversary. This is a to represent the Agricultural Show. Note the welly boots and umbrella. Someone suggested there should have been more mud.     This is … Continue reading

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A perfect church

You know that song, Just a perfect day? Well I found myself wondering today what would constitute a perfect church. I know the old adage that if ever I found a perfect church and joined it or went along, then … Continue reading

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The right kind of church

Thanks to Rev Shuna for pointing me to this advice. The full blog post can be found here. I’d love to know what you think. Here is a step-by-step plan for how to get more young people into the church: … Continue reading

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