Tag Archives: River Orchy

Technical troubles again

Sorry for being offline yesterday, there was a problem with the server. It did make me realise how often I am on the website, tinkering, posting and generally messing about; and of course the stats were down to near zero. … Continue reading

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The brooding skies of autumn

Went for a walk with the dog this afternoon and caught the tail end of a shower. The temperature is still pretty high for this time of year (17.5C)  The acorns have started swelling on the oak trees and in … Continue reading

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Being positive

Have decided to be more positive today. There was a temptation to continue to rant about the Government, the cuts, the economy, the bad things…….. and so forth. Then I thought about the peaceful time we had with Misty at … Continue reading

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It has been one of those wonderful unwinding days. The sun has been shining, and for much of the day I rested and caught up with myself. But best of all, was the opportunity to sit beside the River Orchy … Continue reading

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Blackmount Estate

What are the words that Misty loves more than ‘Walkies?’  You’ll never guess. So I shall tell you. It’s “Would you like to go on an Adventure?”  There is a resounding, Yes-woof  followed by a Hurry up-bark, if we are … Continue reading

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Exploring rivers new

A tributary of the Orchy

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River Orchy

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