This sunset is an anonymous one – to be honest I can’t even remember where it was taken or when. My suspicion is that it is out of the front window at Dalamory and judging by the lack of leaves it might be winter. So why put it centre-place on my blog today? I have the feeling that a lot of people in Britain are feeling bewildered, confused and upset – as many as those who are triumphant, relieved and empowered. The papers and news media are wall to wall with analysis and downright mischief and unless I switch off from it soon, I shall end up ill. The sunset is an illustration that the world is still a beautiful place.
If that sounds a tad dramatic, then please excuse me. You see I have been very quiet on the blog front, in the main because I have been getting more and more disturbed at the tone of the campaign to leave the EU. It is such a momentous decision that I ended up thinking it would be better to write about it after the vote. Then, when the result was that we are to leave . . . . . . . . . well to be honest I was absolutely gob-smacked. Excuse the language. But – it is a totally unexpected outcome, one which I never even thought likely. Of course, Scotland had an overwhelming result to remain part of the EU. But – the way that democracy works we are supposed to mutely accept that the great majority have voted otherwise and so shall it be.
Scotland being Scotland, things are not quite like that. First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has already set in motion the permissive legislation that would make a second Referendum on Independence possible on the grounds that there has been a significant change in circumstances. I listen to all the arguments and counter-arguments and start to get all wound up . . . . . . . and then pick up the crochet squares to make some more blankets for charity. I pray that bridges can be built and fences mended and that Scotland will be able soon to build the kind of society where everyone is valued and looked after, one where resources are shared more equally. If that sounds like a Utopia, I make no apologies.
Blessings from Dalamory.
Keep crocheting and keep calm……….. Life goes on but blankets are always welcome by someone in need.
I agree Freda, there is no point in taking ill from fierce argumentary. Keep making blankets, keep receiving smiles, sunsets and friendship as a token of worldstillinGodshands. We are worried here too . I can understand the need to be proud of your own kind, but what indeed is that for a fact? We are created in Gods image and that does hold a wide and everlasting variety of people. How could we ever fence in what differs us from others? In the end, we would need a fence for each and one of us. I am sorry about that outcome and pray for common sense and open hearts. There is also the US-issue to worry about, democracy does seem to have a different face there. Democracy as a whole is rather difficult, hard to handle, but neccesary.
I am so glad you shared that sunset, we live in a turmoil, but close at hand life goes on.
I like your angle on it. Sunsets good. Nice photo.
Common-sense and calmness. . . . . thank you.
Bridges, not fences. I have my concerns here about our upcoming election. Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are Tweedledeedee and Tweedledeedum according to the pundits and cartoonists who are having a field day.
I really believed with education people would become enlightened. Well some did apparently. News here is that 75 percent of the younger UK voters elected to stay with the EU. Older people, who are less educated about the ways of the world mostly went the other way. Selfish, given the youngsters will have to live with it.
I just finished reading ‘Fighting Chance’ by Elizabeth Warren. She’s wonderful! Cheer yourself up, read this book. Yes, its about US politics, however, they really aren’t much different these days.
The very best of luck to the Scots. They’re a canny lot and Nicola Sturgeon is a canny lass. She might yet swing it. Could we borrow her?
Just imagine Boris for leader! Boris and Donald, now there’s a team to make the heart falter. Please, Angela, do your best. I am not really on her political side but I have a lot of admiration for and faith in her.
Thanks, Dianne, I am downloading a trial sample of the book. I could certainly do with some upbeat sense.
Well said!