After yesterday’s rant about banks and credit card companies, how about thinking instead about happiness? There is a new initiative encouraging people to look positively at life. Their premiss is that money and things do not necessarily make us happy. They are trying to form a network of people to spread happiness, which is no bad thing.
However, I can’t help feeling that though although it is very good and full of good advice, it is rather sad that we have not been listening to our wise elders; they could tell us most of the ways to make the most of life if we would only listen.
What’s your best advice for happiness?
I’ve just posted a comment on Jeremy Rosen’s blog on this very subject, but as for a recipe for happiness, I really don’t think there can be one.
Since happiness is transient the only advice I would dare offer is to grab it while it is in the ascendency, make the most of it and try to discover what promoted it’s appearance in the first place.
I have been thinking about this as there is a lot of discussion going on in the media about what makes a person happy, and indeed what is happiness. To me it is a state of mind but what makes me happy? There are all the usual trite comments about money, health, property. However I can think of many people who have these, all or in any mix, and are not happy. There is also one which is being mooted around that you can create happiness by doing a good turn for a stranger every day. In this climate I can foresee a lot of problems if a good deed is forced on someone, not everyone would accept it in the spirit it is meant. From several happenings and discussions I have had this week I have come to the conclusion that what makes me happy is friendship. For this and in this I am truly happy. I hope this does not make me seem smug but it is how I feel, I know it is not advice but hope other contributors may feel the same way.
The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World – I read this book by Paul Ray about 7 years ago, and have found that doing things to help the planet makes me feel really good. Also, I got out in my garden today and trimmed and swept and fed the climbing rose. That made me feel good too. I try to have an attitude of gratitude, instead of seeing the glass half empty, see it half full. Also, I have a spirtual program and that helps a lot. Dianne
All good advice – 1) make the most of it when it’s here; 2) value friendship; 3) do something creative for our planet. And I’ll add to that to think of the good things that have happened in each day – trying to get at least 3, even if it is just the early morning coffee or tea.
I have found my degree of happiness swings wildly according to weather and some incomprehensible internal chemistry. I enjoy euphoria while it is with me and at the other end of the spectrum just wait for the “down” feelings to pass. In other words, my happiness seems to have little to do with reality. So I don’t usually consciously take advantage of that “pursuit of happiness” right that is mine as a United States citizen.
What I do, though, is practice specific thankfulness, to God for little things and large, to my husband for little things and large, and to other people. For me, the side effects of watching for things to be thankful for and of verbalizing thanks include contentment, a heightened sense of wonder and entertainment. Hmmmmm . . . sounds a little like happiness, doesn’t it?
posts like this make me happy
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
I believe your rant was about worry and feeling victimized- both normal reactions to what happened to you. I do agree that money doesn’t bring happiness, but worrying about it makes me miserable.
Thanks Marcia, you are right, I was feeling victimised and also a bit scared as to how much money would be ultimately billed to my card. I need to stay calm – that way there is more chance of getting things sorted out.
I like Maslow’s hierarchy. Money and stuff contribute to happiness to the extent that they save one from worry, and help one feel reasonably secure. Beyond that, there are rapidly diminishing returns in the amount of satisfaction each new windfall or possession gives one.
Freda, Thank you for the blog roll add. I have changed my URL to match the title. The new URL is Would it be possible to add the new URL to your blogroll please, as the old URL will no longer work.
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