Coming back to real life after our sojourn on the smallholding has been more difficult than I expected. First of all some problems with technology and then problems with myself. Think it must have been a bug, as they say. However, it is good to be back home in Dalamory, and I hope to be back to blogging and catching up with friends over the next few days. For today, here are a few photos that show why it was all worthwhile……. #2 Family and one of their dogs on holiday on their yacht. Windswept at times, but always big smiles.
The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Not much better than family and fun, is there? I hope you are back to yourself soon!
Sorry you were feeling poorly, but what fun!
Wishing you bug-free and healthy!
Thanks for the greetings. Am now back to being normal – whatever that is!
Thanks for these pictures of your lovely family.