Taking a breather

In contrast to the last few days there is a chance to take a breather. No rushing around – unless by accident – and space to breathe and relax. These times of quiet are needed by everyone from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Sometimes I think that the very oldest are the ones who have developed the knack the most. Of course there are those who have quietness and silence thrust upon them by illness and fragility, but for the rest of us it is an escape from the pressures of life.

Yesterday I was talking about the procedures of our democracy, and very grateful I am for it too. One thing I didn’t mention, was that when the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the Leader of the Opposition, Harriet Harman, each gave their traditional opening speeches, I felt a patriotic sense of belonging and a fondness for the whole system. (Maybe yesterday I was too cynical or tired – that’s my excuse anyway.) The quality of speeches should also be commented upon. Occasionally, when I see extracts of the proceedings in the Commons, I cringe at what is going on. But the over-riding thing that is important is that democracy is seen to be at work.

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