A lifelong reader

Of course a “reader” in the context of a blog is entirely different to a reader of books. I am both a blog reader and an avid lover of books and all things bookish. Now I don’t want you to think of me as someone with a large head and small body, dark-framed glasses and a pile of manuscripts all around……… though come to think of it, that is not so far off the mark.

In actual fact, from as long as I can remember I devoured books. They formed the background to my life; I was the typical child in bed at night with book and torch under the covers half-listening for the footsteps and the opening of the bedroom door. Oh it was so worth the inevitable scolding.

Nowadays I tend to fall asleep – whilst the book drops heavily onto my knee. Sometimes if the dog is in the way there is a muffled grrrrr. Many a time I lose the plot and have to revert to an earlier page. Now, to what shall I attribute this unfortunate tendency? I suspect that multiple medications don’t help, and there is not much I can do about that. If I pick up a so called “trashy” novel, (Jeffrey Archer or Katie Fjord for instance) I can whiz through the story in no time; however something more taxing causes me problems.

Whilst lightly musing upon the problem I looked around at the many bookcases with books literally spilling out of the shelves. Then I realised a potential solution, I could re-read all my well-loved collection; that way surely even if I dozed off I could semi-remember the plot. It is a possibility.

If you are a lifelong reader, how do you manage?

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5 Responses to A lifelong reader

  1. Ray Barnes says:

    Life-long reader reporting Ma-am!
    When I was seven I joined a library and have been a member ever since (different libraries obviously) and could not envision a life without books.
    As a child my parents had to forcibly evict me to get me out of the house into the fresh air and away from print.
    After John’s death I spent 18 months reading nothing but theology and various clerics’ views on religion. This has now come to an abrupt end (overkill), and I have reverted to reading a vast eclectic mix of biographies, auto and otherwise, and ‘trashy fiction’ along with the occasional more serious book.
    I find it easier now to settle for the Katie Fford genre and read only last thing at night.
    My late mother, an avid reader all her life, lost her sight in her late seventies, and was restricted to “talking books” until her death at 103.
    I can barely begin to imagine what that loss meant to her and pray I never experience such a deprivation.
    Literacy is such a great and wonderful gift and should be available to every single human being.

  2. LC says:

    Freda, you have sparked memories of early reading adventures. You are easing my guilt over “trashy fiction,” too. I think revisiting beloved books is a great idea! I think I am going to post about this subject on my own blog. Thanks for energizing lazy brain cells!

  3. Dianne says:

    Snoozing is good. Sometimes, I cannot remember what I read or wrote, but so what??

  4. Sheila says:

    Am relating to all of this and getting a chuckle too.

  5. June says:

    I plan on rereading a book I just finished last week! I enjoyed it so immensely . . . the phrasing, the howls of laughter it inspired. Why not? I hardly read anything taxing anymore. It’s escape or a sense of identification with the story that I’m after. And pure enjoyment.
    I know well the drifting off in the middle of a page. I kind of enjoy that, too. I find that my brain takes over and I start dreaming the next paragraphs. What fun!

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