
Took the dog for a walk up the Orchy yesterday. Glenorchy is a stunning glen with the river running alongside the road, the road being single-track with passing places. An ideal place to walk and look at nature. There are shingle and rock beaches in many places, as well as rapids and tiny islets. I thought about taking the camera, then gave up on the idea as the mist was quite low to start with. Imagine my surprise to come across one beach with several Andy Goldsworthystyle sculptures. Stones balanced on top of one another in a single spire to form tapering columns. How cross I was not to have the camera. I did wonder if it was the artist himself then presumed that he would have dismantled the art – for that is what it was – once he had photographed it. However, I have since discovered that he leaves them for people to come across and nature to reclaim. On second thoughts though, they are not quite grand enough.

Perhaps I’ll go back and take a photo after all.

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