Pink and Grey

The new driveway is giving much entertainment at the moment. Firstly, there is the novelty of being able to try out new parking arrangements – Which way round do we face today?  Secondly, there are different methods of turning the cars within the garden – How do we avoid bumping into the steps or the new fence?  Thirdly, there is the matter of the colour. The new aggregate is a dusty pink, and there was some talk of whether to get extra stones to rake in with the older grey o­nes. That way at least there would be a multicolour and graded effect, rather than the current striped position. However, all is not lost; after washing the cars, the husband discovered that the well-washed cars had dripped all over the pink stones, making them grey.

So why have they gone back to pink again?
Time is what it will take. Time and the inevitable Argyll rain.

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