A new start

Apparently there is plenty of information “out there” or in hard copy about how to blog. Thus far, ie since November 2003, I have not really researched the subject. Perhaps now is the time to take things more seriously. After all, who am I writing for? Who are these cyberspace readers I seek? My suspicion is that I write more for myself than others, and certainly things in my life have changed a lot from when I started – all fresh eyed and a bit shy, wondering why I was joining in this blogging phenomenon. Most people who journal, keep diaries or write, know that writing is cathartic and helps us to understand the world and ourselves. In a sense it doesn’t matter whether anyone reads it or not. And this is contrary to the general communication ethic. For it seeks to spread its net far and wide.

Readers who have come back regularly over the years will have sensed the change in my pace of life. As a retiree, and someone whose health is often a bit iffy, I have had to seek a gentler way to interact with family, friends, community and indeed the world. Getting older has absorbed my attention and fascinated me. And it is one of my primary concerns to help myself and others live well and live wisely. If this sounds boring, I am sorry, but it is the truth nonetheless.

So over the next few days or weeks the plan is to tease out these ideas. To try to seek readers who are interested in life’s journey, in the way we relate (or don’t relate) to God/the Divine/ the Other / the Ground of our Being. To explore what it means to live at peace with the earth. And above all, to share the wonderful thought that in some wonderful, annoying, imponderable way we are each important, valued and loved.

Oh – and by the way – I want to enjoy life, share humour and generally help myself and others to feel better. The danger side is that I may stop hiding.

Hope you share the journey and your thoughts with me and others on this blog. I would be interested to hear what kinds of things you would like me to blog about.

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12 Responses to A new start

  1. Tim says:

    I’ll be watching… (That’s meant to be a good, non-scary, kind of thing. 🙂

  2. Pat says:


    Although I have left only a few comments, I have been following your blog for quite some time…since Ronni Bennett gave you a shout out if I remember correctly. My husband follows you as well.

    I enjoy all your posts…your wit, sense of humor, intelligence and love reading about your family, Misty’s adventures, book reviews, Andy Murray’s tennis game as well as your birthday month (which we share).

    I retired a few years ago from a long career in nursing and just recently turned 60 which I can’t quite believe. I’d definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on how we can live wisely and well as we age, our spiritual journey and how we can treat ourselves and others with kindness.

  3. freda says:

    Thanks Tim, I am already having trouble with today’s post – all to do with lack of computer and web skills. I can see this challenge I have set myself is going to be a considerable challenge.

  4. freda says:

    Pat, good to know you are both there. Thank you for responding so positively. I aim to find a way to make the blog more interactive, so I hope to listen to readers and learn as we all travel the journey through life.

  5. Randall says:

    Hi Freda,

    I appreciate how you do something each day, or nearly each day. A small post about something or other in you life each day makes me come back and check up on things.

    I find things shifting too for my blog, and I’m having a most difficult time figuring out what it is exactly that is changing.

    I’ll keep stopping by, and perhaps some of my interaction is done when God reminds me of you and so I take a few minutes and remind him of your needs.

    Blessings on the day.

  6. freda says:

    Thanks Randall, you have no idea how much that means…… or maybe you do. There are some days when I am overtired and a bit like a headless chicken…. then it helps to slow down and remember God’s presence in me and all around. I remember you and your loved ones too. Funny how blogland works. I do know it somehow represents part of the ministry God is leading me to. And that is to do with health as well. I may not be able to be out and about or up front as much, but can be conscious of a spiritual necessity in me, so that I can learn with othersand share this journey with them.

  7. Lydia says:

    Freda, it will be wonderful to be reading your blog again. I had lost touch!

    These sentences really grabbed my attention: “Getting older has absorbed my attention and fascinated me. And it is one of my primary concerns to help myself and others live well and live wisely.”

    And these: “To try to seek readers who are interested in life’s journey, in the way we relate (or don’t relate) to God/the Divine/ the Other / the Ground of our Being. To explore what it means to live at peace with the earth. And above all, to share the wonderful thought that in some wonderful, annoying, imponderable way we are each important, valued and loved.”

    Anything you have to share along these lines will be of enormous interest to me.

    Oh, and photos of Dalamory too!

  8. freda says:

    Thanks, Lydia, I find it exciting that we are all on the journey together…..lots to learn from one another. As to photos, I shall dust down the camera and try for some new angles. Every blessing

  9. Liz says:

    I love dropping into your blog when the impulse takes me – tend to scroll back to wherever I last read. You cover such a wide range – from little details to big issues – each putting the other in some perspective. I look forward to future journeying.

  10. Liz says:

    And as a first time commenter I like the fact that my comment is apparently awaiting moderation. Everything in moderation … Quite right too!

  11. freda says:

    Thanks, Liz. Oops – I am not sure where the moderation of comments kicked in for you – think it might be your green credentials. It is fun exploring what is happening in the world, and it helps to know that you don’t mind the little details. Sometimes my life seems so small, yet I have a sense that there is an emerging purpose in the blogging that is yet to be explored and discovered.

  12. Pingback: What’s the Story in Dalamory » Blog Archive » Hotch Potch

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